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7ME3950-5GQ00 SITRANS FS230传感器

产品系列:SITRANS FS230/FSS220
产品简介:测量敏感元件,精密, 公称通径 D2H,专用, EX 认证, 气体和液体 流量测量, 合适的管壁厚度 11.2 至 15.7mm(0.44 至 0.62 英寸) 标准温度 用于温度 <(><<)> 80°C (176 °F),抗腐蚀, 结合 FST230 使用
SITRANS FS230 standard functions are suitable for a wide variety
of liquid applications, including the following:
• Water industry
- Raw water
- Potable water
- Chemicals
• Wastewater industry
- Raw sewage
- Effluent
- Sludges
- Mixed liquor
- Chemicals
• HVAC industry
- Condensers
- Hot and cold water systems
• Power industry
- Nuclear
- Fossil
- Hydroelectric
• Processing industry
- Process control
- Batching
- Rate indication
- Volumetric and mass measurement
SITRANS FS230 hydrocarbon functions are ideal for applications
carrying crude oil, refined petroleum or liquefied gas.